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【论文】罗楚亮,李实,TerrySicular:“The long-term evolution of national income inequality and rural poverty in China”
发布时间:2020-05-10       浏览量:

罗楚亮,李实,TerrySicular:The long-term evolution of national income inequality and rural poverty in China. China Economic Review, Available online 30 April 2020.


Using the five waves of the China Household Income Project surveys conducted during 1988–2013, we investigate long-term changes in income inequality and poverty in China. Income inequality rose markedly to 2007 and thereafter fell slightly. Income growth was widely shared, but inequality increased because the high-income percentiles had faster income growth than lower percentiles and because the gap between urban and rural household incomes widened. The fall in income inequality after 2007 reflects faster income growth among low-income percentiles and the impacts of newly introduced redistributive policies. The paper also finds a considerable, ongoing poverty reduction. A poverty decomposition analysis indicates that this poverty reduction was mostly due to income growth rather than redistribution.