一、 申请者资格:
1、 在北京师范大学攻读学位(学士、硕士、博士)且已于2020年1月毕业或将于2020年6月毕业的留学生。本科生可凭四年的学习成绩申请优秀毕业生;硕士、博士生可凭两年或三年的学习成绩申请优秀毕业生。
2、 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规和北京师范大学校规,学习努力、积极向上、品行端正、尊敬师长、对华友好。
3、 本科毕业生修完全部学位课程,学位论文答辩通过取得毕业资格,并且各门课程成绩优异者;硕士、博士毕业生修完全部学位课程,学位论文优秀,并且有一定的科研成果。
1、 填写《北京师范大学留学生优秀毕业生申请表》
2、 《发表学术论文情况统计表》;(若有请提交)。
3、 其它相关证明材料:如获奖证书、已公开发表学术成果(其中期刊论文需要提交期刊封面、目录页与论文百家乐老虎机复印件并请完成《发表学术论文情况统计表》)。
北京师范大学 留学生办公室
1. Applicant Qualifications
1. International students who are studying for a degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD) at Beijing Normal University and have graduated in January 2020 or will graduate in June 2020. Undergraduate students can apply for outstanding graduates with examination results of the four academic years; master and PhD students can apply with examination results of the two or three academic years.
2. Applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the rules of Beijing Normal University, study hard, be positive, be upright, respect teachers, and be friendly to China.
3. Undergraduate applicants must have completed all degree courses (having outstanding grades in each course), passed the thesis defense and obtained graduation qualifications; master and PhD applicants must have completed all degree courses, had outstanding degree thesis, and possessed certain scientific research results.
4. In principle, students who postponed graduation cannot participate in the selection of outstanding graduates (degree students), however, 2016 PhD students with outstanding achievements and excellent scientific research results may be considered as appropriate.
2. Application Materials
1. Fill out the “Application Form for BNU Outstanding International Graduates”.
Note: Applicants must complete the “Students Basic Information”, “Personal Statement”, etc.
2. “Information on published articles”; (please submit if available).
3. Other related supporting materials: such as award certificates, academic achievements or publications (please provide the photocopy of the cover, the table of contents, and the front page of the publication. And complete the “Form of information on published articles”)
Note: All awards and publications should be obtained while studying in BNU. The author’s unit for publications should be undersigned as Beijing Normal University.
3. Application Time:
Please submit all application materials to the designated email address of your school / faculty/ college/ department before June 3, 2020. The list of winners will be announced on the International Students Office website in mid-June 2020.
4. Certificate of Award:
Outstanding graduates (degree students) will receive the certificate of OUTSTANDING GRADUATE AWARD from BNU.
International Students Office
Beijing Normal University
May 29, 2020