
   百家乐老虎机» 国际合作» 学生交流
发布时间:2014-10-10      浏览量:
挪威阿格德尔大学(University of Agder)现面向百家乐老虎机 提供为期一个学期的本科与研究生交换项目, 详情如下
The University of Agder was officially established in 2007, but has a history dating back to 1839, and was formerly known as Agder University College. The university's central administration and five faculties, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Education, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences and Faculty of Fine arts, is located on two main campuses. Campus Kristiansand and campus Grimstad.
The University of Agder has partnered up with Beijing Normal University for an exchange programme. This programme allows students to get to know Norway and the Norwegian culture. With campuses in the towns of Kristiansand and Grimstad along the Norwegian south coast, it is a great place to live and study.
The exchange programme will take place during the Spring semester in 2015. Each faculty offers courses taught in English.
请有意向的学生在1014日之前提交报名表至谢佳邮箱[email protected],并在1015日之前完成完成网上报名申请//www.uia.no/exchange
·         Third year and above undergraduate students
·         First or second year graduate students
Students first have to apply and get nominated by their home institution.
Students who have already been nominated by their home institution must complete their application for exchange to UiA in the online application service for students, "Søknadsweb".
Once nominated, students will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to apply. A password for SøknadsWeb will be sent in a separate e-mail.
·         Courses taught in English for exchange students are in the following discipline: Business Administration
·         Please find in the attachment specific courses offered during the Spring’15 semster
For general information about exchange to UiA, please visit //www.uia.no/exchange     
