发布时间:2013-05-03 浏览量:
(SEBA)与匈牙利社会科学研究院经济研究所(IE)共同举办的第三届SEBA-IE学术研讨会在香山饭店成功举行。匈牙利经济研究所主任Karoly Fazekas教授,百家乐老虎机-电子百家乐
本次会议共提交学术论文13篇,其中匈方7篇,我方6篇。与会者分别就教育、税收、人口流动、危机管理、跨文化交流及生产力等问题展开了学术研讨。其中,Karoly Fazekas教授的“Geography of jobs in Hungary - landscape from two perspectives”用三维失业率地图形象地阐述了经济危机给匈牙利全国,尤其是东北部地区带来的高失业率;Karoly Attila Soos教授的报告阐述了波兰和匈牙利中小型企业在面对全球危机中的表现;Janos Kollo教授做了题为“Whose children gain from starting school later”的报告,分析了不同阶层的儿童推迟入学的利弊;赵向阳老师的报告主要阐述了不同国家和不同文化背景下创业活动的差异;来自IE的Maria Csanadi教授、Zsombor Cseres-Gergely博士、Tamas Novak博士、Julia Varga博士,与我方的尹恒教授、郭垍副教授、林树明博士等均做了精彩的论文陈述,并相互点评论文。来自中央财经大学和英国伯明翰大学的学者也参会交流了各自的研究成果。应匈方要求,李实教授在会议第三单元介绍了CHIPs数据库,并就相关问题与匈方来宾展开讨论。
此次会议是百家乐老虎机 继今年4月份成功举办SEBA-GATE学术研讨会之后的第二次学术盛会。该会议将一如既往地推进相关学科的沟通和交流,深化双方的合作及学科发展,提高百家乐老虎机 的科研和教学水平,扩大国际影响和提升国际竞争力。
本次会议共提交学术论文13篇,其中匈方7篇,我方6篇。与会者分别就教育、税收、人口流动、危机管理、跨文化交流及生产力等问题展开了学术研讨。其中,Karoly Fazekas教授的“Geography of jobs in Hungary - landscape from two perspectives”用三维失业率地图形象地阐述了经济危机给匈牙利全国,尤其是东北部地区带来的高失业率;Karoly Attila Soos教授的报告阐述了波兰和匈牙利中小型企业在面对全球危机中的表现;Janos Kollo教授做了题为“Whose children gain from starting school later”的报告,分析了不同阶层的儿童推迟入学的利弊;赵向阳老师的报告主要阐述了不同国家和不同文化背景下创业活动的差异;来自IE的Maria Csanadi教授、Zsombor Cseres-Gergely博士、Tamas Novak博士、Julia Varga博士,与我方的尹恒教授、郭垍副教授、林树明博士等均做了精彩的论文陈述,并相互点评论文。来自中央财经大学和英国伯明翰大学的学者也参会交流了各自的研究成果。应匈方要求,李实教授在会议第三单元介绍了CHIPs数据库,并就相关问题与匈方来宾展开讨论。
此次会议是百家乐老虎机 继今年4月份成功举办SEBA-GATE学术研讨会之后的第二次学术盛会。该会议将一如既往地推进相关学科的沟通和交流,深化双方的合作及学科发展,提高百家乐老虎机 的科研和教学水平,扩大国际影响和提升国际竞争力。
Program for the 3rd Annual IE-SEBA Workshop
October 26-27th, 2012
26th Oct. 2012
14:20-15:00 Opening Session
15:00-18:00 Session 1: Education, Tax and Healthcare
Chairs: Li Shi, Yang Chengyu
(20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 5 minutes for Q & A, 10 minutes for general discussion at the end of the session)
1. Károly Fazekas, Geography of Jobs in Hungary - Landscape from Two Perspectives
(Introductory talk, no discussant)
2. Zoltán Hermann, and Júlia Varga, Projection of the Educational Attainment of the Hungarian Population from 2001 to 2020 - Modelling Education with a Dynamic Microsimulation Model – ISMIK
Discussant: Liu Hong
3. Guo Ji, and Alexander Haupt, Tourist Tax and Cultural Heritage Sites
Discussant: János Köll?
4. Liu Hong, and Zhao Zhong, Impact of China’s Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance on Health Care Utilization and Expenditure
Discussant: Tamás Novák
5. Szilvia Altwicker-Hámori, János Köll?, Whose Children Gain from Starting School Later? Evidence from Hungary
Discussant: Peng Fei
General discussion
27th Oct. 2012
9:00-12:00 Session 2: Crisis Management, Culture and Productivity
Chair: Károly Fazekas
(20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 5 minutes for Q & A, 10 minutes for general discussion at the end of the session)
6. Károly Attila Soós, Polish and Hungarian Small and Middle-sized Enterprises Facing the International Financial and Economic Crisis, 2008-2010
Discussant: Zhao Xiangyang
7. Maria Csanadi, and Liu Xiaoxuan, Crisis and Selective Adaptation in Zhengzhou between 2008 and 2010: a Survey among Industrial Enterprises
Discussant: Yin Heng
8. Zhao Xiangyang, Li Hai, and Andreas Rauch, Cross-country Differences in Entrepreneurial Activity: The Role of Cultural Practice and National Wealth
Discussant: Károly AttilaSoós
9. Tamás Novák, The Impact of Crisis Management Solution on SME Development on the Example of Four Central Eastern European Countries
Discussant: Guo Ji
10. Yin Heng, Li Shigang, and Liu Di, Searching for the Robust Method to Estimate Total Factor Productivity at Firm Level
Discussant: Zsombor Cseres-Gergely
General discussion
13:30-16:30 Session 3: Labor Market, and Datasets Introduction
Chair: Maria Csanadi
(20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 5 minutes for Q & A, 10 minutes for general discussion at the end of the session)
11. Zsombor Cseres-Gergely, Is There Crowding out among the Young and Old in the Public Sector?- Results from a Period of Raising Retirement Age in Hungary and an Information System to Increase the Efficiency of Matching
Discussant: Carl Lin
12. Carl Lin, Migrants from a Different Shore: Economic Assimilation of Immigrants from China in the United States
Discussant: Júlia Varga
13. Peng Fei, Martin Falk, and Lili Kang, Wage Flexibility in Chinese Labour Market
Discussant: János Köll?
14. János Köll?, Data Sources and Data Management for Economic Research in Hungary
15. Li Shi, Introductory talk on datasets.
General discussion