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发布时间:2013-05-03      浏览量:
2012421日,百家乐老虎机-电子百家乐 (SEBA)与法国里昂第二大学经济理论和分析中心(GATE)共同举办的第三届SEBA-GATE学术研讨会在河北承德成功举行。法国经济学会会长、GATE研究中心主任Marie-Claire Villeval教授,百家乐老虎机-电子百家乐 院长赖德胜教授,副院长杨澄宇教授,中国收入与分配研究中心执行院长、百家乐老虎机 李实教授等17位中法学者参加了研讨会。研讨会由赖德胜教授主持。

14篇,其中法方6篇,中方8篇。与会者分别就劳动经济学、实验经济学和财政政策等方面的问题展开了热烈的学术研讨。其中,Sylvie Demurger研究员与百家乐老虎机 李实教授合作完成的题为“Migration, Remittances and Rural Employment Patterns, evidence from China”阐述了中国农民工汇款对农村劳动力市场的影响;Marie-Claire Villeval教授的“Moral Hypocrisy, Power and Social Preferences”一文利用实验经济学方法分析了人们行为与道德准则的关系;邢春冰副教授的“The Regional Distribution of Skill Premia in Urban China and Implications for Growth and Inequality”一文讨论了近年来在中国迅速增长的技术溢价在地区间扩散的影响;郭垍副教授的“Tourist Tax and China’s Cultural Heritage Sites”一文从各个角度分析了税收对文化遗产保护可能起的正效应;来自GATEPhilippe Polome教授、Florence Goffette-Nagot教授、Sonia Paty副教授、Nelly Exbrayat博士,与我方的杨娟博士、何浩然博士、林树明博士、以及Tavis Barr博士均做了精彩的论文陈述,并相互点评论文。 

为了提高双方学生的参会积极性,进一步促进学术交流,本次会议首次设立“The Best PhD Paper Award”奖项,管理学院博士研究生刘元生同学和百家乐老虎机 硕士研究生孙超同学合作完成的文章“The Redistribution Effects of Progressive Income Tax: an Overlapping Generations Model with Heterogeneous Agents”获此殊荣。

2010年和2011”SEBA-GATE研讨会之后的第三届学术盛会,会期虽紧,但所有与会人员都积极就参会论文展开了热烈的讨论,充分利用了这个学术交流平台推进和深化了彼此间的合作。双方约定明年继续在法国召开第4届研讨会。此外,本次会议也将有利于促进百家乐老虎机 的对外交流与合作及学科发展,提高百家乐老虎机 的科研和教学水平,扩大国际影响和提升国际竞争力。
GATE是法国国家科学研究中心与里昂第二大学于1997年共同建立的研究机构,在实验经济学、劳动经济学、健康经济学、产业组织理论、区域经济学、金融和国际经济学等领域具有很强的实力,是国际上领先的经济学研究机构,与百家乐老虎机 签订了长期的科研合作协议。
9:00-10:30    Session 1: Migration in China, France, and U.S.   
Chair: Lai Desheng
(15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 10 minutes for general discussion at the end of the session)
1.        Sylvie Demurger, and Li Shi, Migration, Remittances and Rural Employment Patterns, evidence from China
Discussant: Xing Chunbing
2.        Tavis Barr, Todd Idson, and LalithMunasinghe, Sticking to the Union
Discussant: Sonia Paty
3.        Hu Feng, Remittances in the Past, Self-Employment after Return: Evidence from a Return Migrant Survey in China
Discussant:  Sylvie Démurger
4.        Carl Lin, Immigration Policy and Economic Profit of Firms
Discussant: Florence Goffette-Nagot
General discussion
10:50-12:00   Session 2: preference and experimental economics  
Chair: Sylvie Demurger
(15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 10 minutes for general discussion at the end of this session)
5.        IzabelaJelovac, and Philippe Polome, Preferences for Demand-Side versus Supply-Side Cost Sharing
Discussant: Juan Yang
6.        Aldo Rustichini, and Marie Claire Villeval, Moral Hypocrisy, Power and Social Preferences
Discussant: He Haoran
7.        He Haoran, The Effects of Session Size and Identity on Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from a Public Good Experiment
Discussant: Marie-Claire Villeval
General discussion
13:30-15:00   Session 3: Inequality                           
Chair: Li Shi
(15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 10 minutes for general discussion at the end of this session)
8.        John Whalley, and Chunbing Xing, The regional Distribution of Skill Premia in Urban China and Implications for Growth and Inequality
Discussant: Florence Goffette-Nagot
9.        Florence Goffette-Nagot, and Yves Schaeffer, Income Segregation and Suburbanization in France, a discrete choice approach
Discussant: Tavis Barr
10.    Juan Yang, Desheng Lai, Terry Sicular, The Determinants of Rural Children’s High School Enrollment in China, An analysis based on multilevel models
Discussant: Philippe Polomé
11.    Nelly Exbrayat, Thierry Medies, and StephaneRiou, Bailouts in a Globalized Economy
Discussant: GuoJi
General discussion
15:20-16:30   Session 4: Tax                
Chair:  Marie-Claire Villeval
(15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 10 minutes for general discussion at the end of this session)
12.    Edoardo di Porto, Vincent Merlin, Sonia Paty, The Impact of Fiscal Revenues on Local Government Cooperation
Discussant: Carl Lin
13.    GuoJi, Tourist Tax and China’s Cultural Heritages
Discussant: Sylvie Démurger
15. Liu Yuansheng, Sun Chao, and Yang Chengyu, The Redistribution Effects of Progressive Income Tax: an Overlapping Generation Model with Heterogeneous Agents
Discussant: Nelly Exbrayat
General discussion
16:30    Closing speech by Sylvie and Li Shi