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德国学者Chiristian Toft来百家乐老虎机 讲学
发布时间:2013-05-03      浏览量:
Chiristian Toft
德国卡塞尔大学(University of Kassel
Inequality, Poverty, and Public PolicyAn Introduction to Research and Global Trends.
1.     Introduction to concepts of inequality and poverty.
2.     Inequality of what? Income inequality, consumption inequality.
3.     Measurement of income and consumption inequality.
4.     Inequality and growth: international experiences.
5.     Regional inequality and international inequality.
6.     Poverty within countries and across countries.
7.     Absolute and relative poverty.
8.     Poverty and income distribution and growth.
9.     Poverty and social stability
10.  Income inequality and public policy
11.  Evaluating poverty alleviation policy
Summary: key issues in inequality and poverty studies.
MSc (Copenhagen and Berlin), PhD (Faculty of Economics and Politics, Cambridge, UK).

Christian Toft has worked at universities in Scandinavia, Britain, Germany, Italy, the United States, Canada, and Estonia. During the last few years he has held visiting appointments at the European University Institute in Florence, the Max Planck Institute in Cologne, the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at Notre Dame University (USA), the University of Victoria (Canada), the University of Tallinn (Estonia), and the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNUIDER) in Helsinki (Finland). He has Danish nationality.

Christian Toft's main area of research concerns comparative public policy with special emphasis on policy choices in the area of social security and labor market policy. In a major project he is researching patterns of unemployment compensation and labor market policy reform in industrialized countries during the twentieth century. This involves investigation of the international development of policy strategies, including ILO and OECD strategies, recommendations and conventions, as well as a more detailed examination of policy choices and developments in a selection of countries with the main focus being on Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, Italy, and the United States. He is also writing a co-authored textbook on income inequality, poverty and redistribution.

“The regulation of social protection in the European Community: the case of unemployment compensation”; in A. Castro, P. Mehaut & J. Rubery (eds): International Integration and Labour Market Organisation, Academic Press, 1992.
“State action, trade unions and voluntary unemployment insurance in Great Britain, Germany and Scandinavia, 1900–1934”, European Economic Review, 1995, pp 565-574.
“Constitutional choice, multi-level government and social security systems in Great Britain, Germany and Denmark”, Policy and Politics, 1996, pp 247-261.
“The German Pension Debate. Historical context and current direction”, Debatte. Review of Contemporary German Affairs, 1996, pp 95-115.
“Deutsche Sozialpolitik und Sozialpolitikanalyse am Scheideweg”, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 1999, Heft 1, pp 82-92.
“Jenseits der Dreiweltendiskussion”, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 2000, Heft 1, pp 68-86.
“The making of the Danish employment service, 1960-1972. Central and local policy choices, employer demand, and trade union resistance”; in H. Milner and E. Wadensjö (eds): Gösta Rehn, the Swedish Model and Labour Market Policies, Ashgate Publishing, 2001.
“Die Anatomie der Einkommensungleichheit in den OECD Ländern“; in C. Toft (ed): Politische Ansätze und Trends der gegenwärtigen Reform des Wohlfahrtsstaates, Verlag Chmielorz, Wiesbaden, 2003.
"Evidence-based social science and the Rehnist interpretation of the development of active labour market policy in Sweden during the golden age. A critical examination"; Politics & Society, 2003, pp 567-608.
Review of Pierre Pestieau (2006): "The Welfare State in the European Union - Economic and Social Perspectives"; Oxford University Press; Journal of Economics, Dec 2006, Vol. 89 Issue 3, pp 289-291.
"Poverty and Equity. Measurement and Analysis"; Note de Lecture relating to Jean-Yves Duclos, Abdelkrim Araar, and Carl Fortin (2006) "Poverty and Equity. Measurement and Analysis" & "DAD: A software for Distributive Analysis"; Springer Publishing Company; Economie-Publique, 2006, pp 5-12.
Review of Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson and Isabelle Schulze (eds) (2007): "The Handbook of West European Pension Politics"; Oxford University Press; Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Nov 2008; pp 381-384.
Review of Nicholas Barr and Peter Diamond (2008): "Reforming Pensions. Principles and Policy Choices"; Oxford University Press; Journal of Development Studies; 2009, pp 826-828.
"Introduction: Choices and change in European and American welfare state reform"; in J. Cordes and C. Toft (eds): Choices and Change in European and American Welfare State Reform, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
"Trade unions, gray power, and the welfare states in the European Union and the United States" (with Nick Parsons); in J.Cordes and C. Toft (eds): Choices and Change in European and American Welfare State Reform, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
"Pension Reform, Retirement Ages, and Labour Supply in the United States and the European Union (EU15) 1950-2060" (with Gary Burtless and Edward Whitehouse); in J. Cordes and C. Toft (eds): Choices and Change in European and American Welfare State Reform, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.