
   百家乐老虎机» 国际合作» 教师交流
意大利学者Attilio MUCELLI来百家乐老虎机 讲学
发布时间:2013-05-03      浏览量:
意大利马尔凯理工大学Giorgio Fuà经济学
Course schedule:
Title of the course:
Management control: the Budgeting process in SMEs
Objectives of the course:
The course aims to analyze the role of budgeting in the management control systems of the SMEs. In particular, the course will help to understand the issues involved to implement the budget in a Company with a focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the tool. To better understand the issues related to the construction of the budget, during the course some case studies will be carried out.
Structure of the course:
1. Planning and budgeting: an introduction
·         Differences between the concepts of Strategic Planning – Budgeting – Control
·         Strategic Objectives Vs. Budget Objectives
·         The “tools” of the Strategic Planning and the “tools” of the Budgeting
·         The Budget: a definition
·         A Budget’s characteristics
·         Functions of a Budget
·         Main Types of Budgets
-   Operating Budgets
-   Investment Budgets
-   Financial Budgets
·         The complete Budget Plan
·         The Budgeting process
·         Timing the Budget
·         A Flexible Budget
·         The results of a Research Project on the “Budget System in the Italian Companies”
2. Operating budget
·         The Sales Area Budget
-   Sales Budget
-   Trading Costs Budget
·         The Production Budget
-   Budget of Quantities to be produced
-   Production Costs Budget
-   Budget for Purchasing Materials and Human Resource
-   Budget for the other Areas
·          Two Quantitative Case Studies will be developed
3. Investment budget
·         Investment budget: a definition
·         The features of investment budget
·         The procedures of investment budget
·         An example of investment budget
·         Financial affirmance of the investment budget
4. Financial budget
·         The scope of the financial budgets
·         Financial budgets: the procedure
·         Resource and Capital budget
·         Cash budget
·         Cash budget: a simplified plan
·         The Financial Statement Estimate
·         Two Quantitative Case Studies will be developed
5. Master Budget
·         A definition of the Master Budget
·         The consolidation process of:
-   Operating Budgets
-   Investment Budget
-   Financial Budgets
·         A Quantitative Case Study will be developed
6. Final test
·         A quantitative exercise will be distributed
·         The quantitative exercise will be explained
·         The quantitative exercise, developed by each student, will be evaluated
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4月26日周五5-6节 教四106
2012 至今              Florida Gulf Coast University
                             Lutgert College of Business
United States
2011/10 – 2011/11    Rollins College
2012/02 – 2012/05    International Business Department
United States
2005 – 2007           Toulouse Business School
                             Department of Accounting
2000/6 – 2000/9        Hochschule Heilbron Technik - Wirtschaft - Informatik
1.      “Aspetti economico-aziendali dei fondi pensione. Profili gestionali ed organizzativi”, Il Mulino, Bologna, in press.
2.      “L’analisi della gestione aziendale”, (co-edited with P. Moretti), II ed., Sistemi Editoriali, Napoli, 2009.
3.      “Il sistema contabile dei fondi pensione: il caso Previndai”, Clua, Ancona, 2008.
4.      “Principi contabili per i fondi pensione. Analisi delle operazioni e delle condizioni di equilibrio”, Clua, Ancona, 2004.
5.      “L’analisi della gestione aziendale”,  (co-edited with P. Moretti), I ed., Sistemi Editoriali, Napoli, 2003.
6.      “Applicazioni di contabilità e bilancio”, (co-edited with P. Moretti), Clua, Ancona, 2002.
7.      “I sistemi informativi integrati per il controllo dei processi aziendali”, Giappichelli, Torino, 2000.
8.      “Il controllo di gestione nelle imprese che producono su commessa”, CLUA, Ancona, 1995.
9.      “La gestione aziendale. Strumenti di analisi e controllo della redditività” (co-edited with L. Manfredi and P. Moretti), CLUA, Ancona, 1994.